The Iraq War at 20: Anniversary Journalism, British Cultural Memory, and the Politics of Closure War anniversaries are important milestones that enable certain understandings [...]

The Iraq War at 20: Anniversary Journalism, British Cultural Memory, and the Politics of Closure War anniversaries are important milestones that enable certain understandings [...]
Killing to commemorate, dying to remember? Authenticity and the practice of memory in Isonzo First World War video-games have grown in importance and popularity [...]
Introduction: Wartime Ephemera and the Transmission of Diverse Family and Community Histories Co-authored with Prof Catriona Pennell Read Article
Waiting to Be Discovered? Community Partnerships, the Facilitation of Diverse Memory, and Reflections on Academic Success and Failure Community partnerships, based on ‘the collaborative [...]
The Personality of Leadership - Optimism, Pessimism, and Realism in the First World War This insight examines the impact of leadership personalities—optimism and [...]
A history of the dark times When Palpatine declared the birth of his new Empire, he expected it would stand for 10,000 years. Instead, [...]
The Death Star Strategem This article for Star Wars Insider #223 asks: what made Emperor Palpatine's cunning plan to crush the Rebel Alliance [...]
Benediction: a case of Sassoon the man v Sassoon the legend Terence Davies’ Benediction, a biopic of Siegfried Sassoon, portrays two iterations of the [...]
Clumsy or Stupid? Why the Galactic Empire Loses Battles This article for The Companion website focuses on the ways in which the Galactic [...]
The History and Politics of Star Wars: Death Stars and Democracy This book provides the first detailed and comprehensive examination of all the [...]