The Personality of Leadership - Optimism, Pessimism, and Realism in the First World War This insight examines the impact of leadership personalities—optimism and [...]

The Personality of Leadership - Optimism, Pessimism, and Realism in the First World War This insight examines the impact of leadership personalities—optimism and [...]
A history of the dark times When Palpatine declared the birth of his new Empire, he expected it would stand for 10,000 years. Instead, [...]
The Death Star Strategem This article for Star Wars Insider #223 asks: what made Emperor Palpatine's cunning plan to crush the Rebel Alliance [...]
Benediction: a case of Sassoon the man v Sassoon the legend Terence Davies’ Benediction, a biopic of Siegfried Sassoon, portrays two iterations of the [...]
Clumsy or Stupid? Why the Galactic Empire Loses Battles This article for The Companion website focuses on the ways in which the Galactic [...]
The History and Politics of Star Wars: Death Stars and Democracy This book provides the first detailed and comprehensive examination of all the [...]
War collaborators: documentary and historical sources in First World War computer games With the emergence of computer games focused on the First World War, [...]
Beyond ‘Parade Ground Soldiers’: French Army Assessments of the British in 1918 When the Germans launched their Spring Offensives of 1918, they placed tremendous [...]
British, French and American Relations on the Western Front, 1914–1918 This book provides a thorough examination of the relations between the men in [...]
The First World War in Computer Games The First World War in Computer Games analyses the depiction of combat, the landscape of the [...]