This authoritative reference work examines literary and artistic responses to the war’s upheavals across a wide range of media and genres, from poetry to [...]

Beyond ‘Parade Ground Soldiers’: French Army Assessments of the British in 1918
Chris Kempshall2020-06-06T12:38:48+00:00Beyond ‘Parade Ground Soldiers’: French Army Assessments of the British in 1918 When the Germans launched their Spring Offensives of 1918, they placed tremendous [...]

British, French and American Relations on the Western Front, 1914-1918
Alex2022-08-14T12:55:40+00:00British, French and American Relations on the Western Front, 1914–1918 This book provides a thorough examination of the relations between the men in [...]

The First World War in Computer Games
Alex2022-08-14T12:56:10+00:00The First World War in Computer Games The First World War in Computer Games analyses the depiction of combat, the landscape of the [...]

Pixel Lions – the image of the soldier in First World War computer games
Chris Kempshall2020-06-06T13:00:14+00:00Pixel Lions – the image of the soldier in First World War computer games This article examines the imagery and portrayal of First World [...]